5 Common Winter Sports Injuries You Should Be Aware Of
As the cold weather sets in, the call to get the blood pumping gets stronger. Getting yourself on the slopes is one way to satisfy your restlessness.
Winter sports is more than just having fun—it's also good exercise that can help improve your blood circulation. But, like in every strenuous activity, there's always the possibility of sustaining injuries.
When taking the right precautions, you can reduce the likelihood and severity of injuries. Making sure you play on soft, fresh snow instead of hardened ice helps, and proper warm-up and awareness can also keep you safer.
When you're conscious of these 5 most common winter sports injuries, you can take the right steps to avoid them.
1. Snowboarder's Ankle
This aptly named injury is common to snowboarders because of the way the activity affects the lower limbs. Snowboarder's ankle is usually caused by a high-energy ankle sprain that fractures the outside of the ankle's Talus bone.
2. Knee Ligaments Injuries
The knees take most of the shock regardless if you're only going down the slope or performing complicated stunts. It's no surprise that knee ligament ruptures are fairly common in winter sports. Awkward falls can significantly increase the likelihood of a torn ligament.
3. Skier's Thumb
Skiing makes you use your hands and wrists regularly, which is why this injury specifically targets skiers alone. Skier's thumb involves a torn ligament in the thumb area. It usually happens when you fall and end up bending your hand while maintaining your grip on the ski pole.
4. Wrist Fracture
Another type of injury that snowboarders should be aware of is a wrist fracture. It occurs when you stretch out your hand to break a fall. Wearing wrist guards can help reduce the chances of this injury from happening.
5. Dislocated Shoulder
This sports injury is not exclusive to winter athletes only; even summer sports, like baseball, can cause a dislocated shoulder. Stretching out your hands to break a fall can push your shoulders out of their normal position.
Treating Winter Sports Injuries in Anchorage
Chiropractors in Anchorage have great success in treating a sprain or a partial tear to the ligaments. For a dislocated shoulder, they can gently push the ball of the upper arm back to its natural position.
If you encounter any of these winter sports injuries, trust a chiropractor to help with the treatment and pain.
Call (907) 333-6525 or schedule an appointment with us online to help you get back on your winter sports.
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Winter Injuries