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Signs You Should Visit Our Chiropractor for Neck Pain Treatment

Written By Denali Injury and Spine Center on October 1, 2024

Woman holding neck in pain at her deskIf you have neck pain that won’t go away even after you rest, take pain medication, or use heat or cold therapy, our chiropractor Dr. Kyle Hanford can help. At Denali Injury and Spine Center, we specialize in all-natural, drug-free treatment of neck pain in Anchorage, AK. We help patients who want to avoid invasive procedures and dangerous prescription painkillers for neck pain. Here are some signs you should visit our chiropractor for neck pain treatment.

Chronic or Severe Neck Pain

If you have neck pain that lasts longer than a week, keeps coming back, or won’t go away even when you take pain medication, you might have an underlying injury or cervical spine condition. We recommend that you visit Dr. Hanford for an exam and treatment if your neck pain is interfering with your regular life.

Neck Pain Combined With Other Symptoms

Neck pain on its own is bad enough, but when you also have other symptoms, you might be dealing with a more serious condition. Visit us if you have neck pain that burns, itches, radiates, or is combined with any of these other symptoms:

  • Tension headaches
  • Migraines
  • Jaw pain or stiffness
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Blurry vision
  • Shoulder or upper back pain or tenderness
  • Muscle numbness or weakness
  • Numbness or tingling that travels from your neck down one arm
  • Trouble holding objects or using your hands

Neck Stiffness and Trouble Moving Your Neck

When you have neck pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion, you likely have an underlying injury affecting your cervical spine. These symptoms can be a sign of whiplash, a herniated cervical disc, or a cervical spine injury.

Radiating or Referred Pain

If your neck pain travels down your upper back or down one arm to your hand, you may have a compressed nerve or cervical spine injury. Referred pain is when neck pain seems to travel or move to another part of your body. If you have neck pain and pain in your upper back, shoulder, arm, hand, or elsewhere, you should visit one of our chiropractors.

Find Relief From Neck Pain

If neck pain is affecting your quality of life and making it hard to sleep, work, exercise, or enjoy your hobbies, we can help. Visit us at Denali Injury and Spine Center to find out what is causing your neck pain. We will design a personalized neck pain treatment plan that uses chiropractic therapies and/or medical pain management treatment to accelerate healing, relieve pain, and restore range of motion in your neck. Call today to schedule an appointment, or request an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment